I might try this writing about a patient-doctor encounter… so many parts need to be turned upside down, it’s almost too easy! Thank you for the intentionally warped perspective

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As a recently retired PA, who spent most of his career in primary care medicine, I really agree that there's potentially enormous value in looking at a patients evaluation backwards. Otherwise the "blah, blah, blah" details tend to get minimalized when they actually may be the meat of a new diagnosis for instance.

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Hey david. My first time here and if this is the sample then so looking forward to the other reads. Defamiliarisation as a tool to creativity and the route to innovation is to first notice really stuck with me. Planning to change my work area tomorrow in the hope 😀

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Welcome, and so glad you found it thought-provoking! ...I'd say I'm hit and miss, but hopefully I'll have more "hit" than "miss" if you hang around;)

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Good Morning David.

I just read your wonderful post on "defamiliarization" this morning and really love the concept of enabling people to wake up to a new perspective on the ordinary. Ironically, my most recent post - "Getting Off Our High Horses" which I just published YESTERDAY, is my covert attempt to coax readers into seeing themselves as I flailed along in my newest relationship with a Belgium Draft horse. I know you're extremely busy but would really appreciate you're taking a peak at my "defamiliarization" - which I used before I knew it was a "thing". Thanks either way for your thought provoking writing

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